Apply for Boards & Commissions

Service on a board, commission or committee is an excellent way for citizens to become involved in the operation of local government and to contribute to Dublin’s quality of life.

Step 1.

Decide which boards and commissions you want to apply for
You can read about our boards and commissions here before you apply to help you decide which boards and commissions are the best fit for your interests. Each role requires attending in-person meetings and time commitment varies; please choose accordingly.

Step 2.

Apply early
Applying later in the year doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get appointed. It just helps to apply early so that we can complete the vetting process in time for the year’s appointments. Some openings happen on a different schedule. Check the Current List of Openings if you’re looking to apply for a board or commission now.

Step 3.

Apply using the online form

Apply Now

Step 4.

Wait for a decision
This process can take some time. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

We review your application as soon as we get it. However, we don’t make appointments until we have openings on specific boards and commissions.

Most openings are filled in MAy, but sometimes there are openings at other times. You an check Current List of Openings at any time.

If you applied for a board that doesn’t have openings, don’t worry. Your application is good for at least one full year.

Five Things We Recommend before the Interview

1. Watch a board and commission meeting
If you want to sit on a board or commission, it’s a good idea to go to a meeting. You can get familiar with the board’s or commission’s responsibilities and meet current members.

2. Review Dublin’s Community Plan
The Community Plan serves as the City’s primary planning guide, anticipating future needs with respect to land use, transportation, utility infrastructure, parks, open space and community facilities.

3. Read the City Charter
The charter explains how Dublin’s government is established and works.

4. Reach out to a current member
Talk to a current City Council member or board and commission member to get their inside perspective.

5. Review FAQs on roles and responsibilities
Some boards have more requirements than others. Find out what is required.

Serve on a City Board, Commission or Committee

The City is full of energetic problem-solvers who make a difference. Our volunteers provide a broad source of expertise and talent to our community. Join us and ignite your community spirit.

Boards & Commissions
Current Openings
Apply Now
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