Serve on a City Board or Commission
Civic Matchmaker
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Make a Difference in Your Local Government
Dublin City Council appoints community volunteers to serve as members of the City’s various boards, commissions, committees and task forces. These volunteer groups are a large portion of the support system for the City government.
All of the City’s boards and commissions play a critical role in public policy development, implementation and review for Dublin City Council. These groups serve an important function in molding decisions for the community by serving as the voice of residents.
Service on a board or commission is an excellent way for citizens to become involved in the operation of local government and to contribute to Dublin’s quality of life. Membership on each board or commission requires varying qualifications and its own set of requirements to meet the needs of the community.
If you are interested in serving, please submit an application to Legislative Services. All applications submitted will remain on file for one year.
Serve on a City Board, Commission or Committee
The City is full of energetic problem-solvers who make a difference. Our volunteers provide a broad source of expertise and talent to our community. Join us and ignite your community spirit.
Boards, Commissions, Committees
Architectural Review Board
Review site modifications or demolitions within the Historic District as well as other outlying designated historic properties that are specified within Dublin’s Zoning Code.
Bridge Park New Community Authority (NCA)
Encourage the orderly development of a well-planned, diversified and economically sound “new community” as defined under Chapter 349 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Chief’s Advisory Committee
Engage in an open dialogue about community-police relations with the Dublin Police Department and provide feedback to the chief of police.
Community Inclusion Advisory Committee
Serve as a representative of Dublin’s diverse communities, advise City Council on the unique needs of diverse Dublin residents, and review City policy through an inclusive lens.
Personnel Board of Review
The Personnel Board of Review shall have the power and duty to hear appeals from administrative determinations made pursuant to the Code of Personnel Practices and Procedures, and such other powers, duties and functions as provided by Council.
Community Services Advisory Commission
Make recommendations to City Council regarding community services, natural resources, parks and recreation, and related issues at Council’s request.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Ensure that Dublin’s Zoning Code is fairly applied to all properties and grant “variances” to the Code when warranted.
Planning & Zoning Commission
Review certain applications for land development approvals as determined by the Dublin’s Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations.
Veterans Committee
Ensure those who served our country and reside within the City of Dublin have a platform to provide insight regarding the needs of the veteran community.